
Get excited because this lineup is incredible! Below you'll find the summit schedule and access links.

All times are shown in Pacific.


Monday, June 19

Monday, June 19

    • 9:00 am Enolia Foti: Empowerment Coach
      Empower, Achieve, Succeed Through Self Mastery
    • 12: pm Brenda St. Louis: Financial Coach
      Rewire Your Wealth for Resilient and Abundant Living
    • 3:00 pm Honey Larochelle: Vocalist, Creativity Coach
      Authenticity, Vulnerability, and Embodied Resiliency
    • 6:00 pm Jaden Fox: Conscious Facilitator
      Ending Empath Overwhelm and Being Strong and Embodied

Tuesday, June 20

    • 9:00 am Hannelie Venucia: Consciousness Facilitator
      Live with Ease - Embody your Awareness

    • 12:00 pm Max Riggs: Empowerment and Awareness Coach
      Recognizing and Removing Energetic Resistance
    • 3:00 pm Gigi Bisong: Speaker, Self Talk Trainer
       Change Your Life by Changing your Self Talk
    • 6:00 pm Ariadne Avalon: Certified Trauma Prevention Facilitator, Embodiment and Resiliency Coach, Quantum Energy Healer, Embodied Transformation and Resiliency

Wednesday, June 21

    • 9:00 am Dr. Juli Kramer: Qi Gong Master, Dr. of Chinese Medicine, Embodying your Body's Innate Power to Heal
    • 12:00 pm Elsbeth Meuth: Tantra Facilitator, Sexual Healer,
      Embodying the Secrets of Lasting Intimacy
    • 3:00 pm De'Nicea Harper: Holistic Healer Power up your Resiliency, Realize your Authentic Self
      6:00 pm Pauline McGuire:
      Achieving Physical, Energetic, Mental and Emotional Sovereignty

    Thursday, June 22

      • 9:00 am Kathy Basel: Healer, Speaker, Empowerment Coach: 7 Shifts to Radical Resilience
        12:00 pm Norie Huddle Best Selling Author, Playing the Game that Builds Maximum Resilience 
      • 3:00 pm Shioban Wilcox: Home Healer, Soul Whisperer, Is Your Home Harming or Helping your Resiliency and Success
      • 6:00 pm Diana Jean Reyes: Shamanic Practitioner, Aliveness Coach, Tuning into and Embodying the Ways of Nature

    Friday, June 23

      • 9:00 am Brenda Lainof: Intuitive, Business Coach, Energy Healer, Embodied Healing with Energetic Medbeds and Light Language
      • 12:00 pm  Gosia Lorenz: Healer, Psychic, Change Agent, Author, Speaker: Embodying Trust and Maintaining Source Earth Connection
      • 3:00 pm Joann Stewart: Astrologist, Hypnotherapist
        Evolutionary Astrology and the Embodiment of Cosmic Consciousness
      • 6 pm Daniella Princi: Psychologist, Coach, Heart Activator, Feeling Empowered to Navigate the Change from Within

    aturday, June 24

      • 9:00 am Joe Petroski: Energy Healer, Empowerment Coach, You are the Power
      • 12:00 pm Sarah Chave: Energy Healer, Podcast Host, International Health Ambassador for People's Health Alliance, Creating a New Earth
      • 3:00 pm 'IoLani Grace: Heart Alchemist:
        Facilitator of Magical Healing, Transformation and Joy, Shamanic Healer, International Best Selling Author, Rebirther, Ordained Interfaith Minister and Teacher, Heart Alchemy for Embodied Resiliency
      • 6pm Darren Hey: Educator, Natural Lifestyle Consultant, Embodied Resiliency through Natural Healing and Permaculture
      • Embody Resilience Through Community and Natural Law

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The Law of Structure for this Creation

This content is presented with the intention of Unity, Freedom, Compassion and the Sovereign Right for All beings. Purity of heart and listening to your inner Higher Self Soul Intelligence and Infinite God Spirit is All there Is.

This unity service mission is founded on inclusivity and cosmic Christ Consciousness expansion. It inspires each seeker to: look inward and release themselves from the unconsciousness of The Matrix and the misinformation of New Age Movement and False Ascension Timelines so they can embody their heart based self-empowered higher and eventual 12 d Avatar self, discover their divine purpose and contribute to and hold the space for the Ascending Earth and the evolution and awakening of humanity.



None of the participants in the Embodied Resiliency Summit are medical doctors. Nor do they diagnose any illness or prescribe medication of any kind. All modalities and treatments referred to by any of the Embodied Resiliency participants and the Site (as well as in videos, audios, interviews) such as energy healing, raising vibration, DNA activations, subconscious reprogramming, imprinting, and all other recommendations, techniques and materials are not to be construed as medical or psychological advice. Please do not use any information, treatments, services or products provided on the site (as well as in videos and audios) as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have or suspect that you have a health or therapeutic issue, please consult a licensed doctor, therapist or counselor.