Last Updated August 8th, 2020.

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None of the participants in the Evolutionary Healer Book anthology and summit are medical doctors. Nor do they diagnose any illness or prescribe medication of any kind. All modalities and treatments referred to by any of the Evolutionary Healer participants and the Site (as well as in videos, audios, interviews) such as energy healing, raising vibration, DNA activations, subconscious reprogramming, imprinting, and all other recommendations, techniques and materials are not to be construed as medical or psychological advice. Please do not use any information, treatments, services or products provided on the site (as well as in videos and audios) as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have or suspect that you have a health or therapeutic issue, please consult a licensed doctor, therapist or counselor.

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The Law of Structure for this Creation

This content is presented with the intention of Unity, Freedom, Compassion and the Sovereign Right for All beings. Purity of heart and listening to your inner Higher Self Soul Intelligence and Infinite God Spirit is All there Is.

This unity service mission is founded on inclusivity and cosmic Christ Consciousness expansion. It inspires each seeker to: look inward and release themselves from the unconsciousness of The Matrix and the misinformation of New Age Movement and False Ascension Timelines so they can embody their heart based self-empowered higher and eventual 12 d Avatar self, discover their divine purpose and contribute to and hold the space for the Ascending Earth and the evolution and awakening of humanity.



All modalities and treatments referred to in the Golden Friday Resilience Audio Bundles and the Site (as well as in videos, audios, interviews) such as energy healing, raising vibration, DNA activations, subconscious reprogramming, imprinting, and all other recommendations, techniques and materials are not to be construed as medical or psychological advice. Please do not use any information, treatments, services or products provided on the site (as well as in videos and audios) as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have or suspect that you have a health or therapeutic issue, please consult a licensed doctor, therapist or counselor.